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Philippians 2:12:  "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."


1.   Today I will love God wholeheartedly . . . !

2.   Today I will love my neighbor as I love myself . . . !

3.   Today I will serve and support my fellowman to the best of my ability . . . !

4.   Today I will take responsibility for my personal growth and development . . . !

5.   Today I will work at developing and using my gifts, talents, and skills . . . !

6.   Today I will seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness . . . !

7.   Today I will work at changing my life by changing my mind . . . !

8.   Today I will stand in solidarity with the oppressed people in the world . . . !

9.   Today I will live a simple life . . . !

10. Today I will meditate on the word of God . . . !

11. Today I will speak the truth in love, live a righteous life, walk humbly before God, and be just and merciful in dealing with my fellowman!

12. Today I will work at healing the hurt and brokenness in my family . . . !

13. Today I will give and receive forgiveness in the process of dealing with conflict and anger!

14. Today I will treat all people with dignity honor and respect . . . !

15. Today I will preach the gospel to all men . . . !

16. Today I will be an example of the believer . . . !

17. Today I will live conscious of Christ's presence in me . . . !






2 Corinthians 13:5:  "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"


1.   Have I loved God wholeheartedly today . . . ?

2.   Have I loved my neighbor as I love myself . . . ?

3.   Have I served and supported my fellowman to the best of my ability . . . ?

4.   Have I taken responsibility for my personal growth and development . . . ?

5.   Have I worked at developing and using my gifts, talents, and skills . . . ?

6.   Have I sought first the kingdom of God and His righteousness . . . ?

7.   Have I worked at changing my life by changing my mind . . . ?

8.   Have I stood in solidarity with the oppressed people in the world . . . ?

9.   Have I lived a simple life . . . ?

10. Have I meditated on the word of God . . . ?

11. Have I spoken the truth in love, lived a righteous life, walked humbly before God, and been just and merciful in dealing with my fellowman?

12. Have I worked at healing the hurt and brokenness in my family . . . ?

13. Have I given and received forgiveness in the process of dealing with conflict and anger?

14. Have I treated all people with dignity honor and respect . . . ?

15. Have I preached the gospel to all men. . . ?

16. Have I been an example of the believer . . . ?

17. Have I lived conscious of Christ's presence in me?






1 Corinthians 15:58:  "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."


Colossians 3:23-24:  "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance:  for ye serve the Lord Christ."


1.   I have loved God wholeheartedly today . . . 

2.   I have loved my neighbor as I have loved myself . . . 

3.   I have served and supported my fellowman to the best of my ability . . . 

4.   I have taken responsibility for my personal growth and development . . . 

5.   I have worked at developing and using my gifts, talents, and skills . . . 

6.   I have sought first the kingdom of God and His righteousness . . . 

7.   I have worked at changing my life by changing my mind . . . 

8.   I have stood in solidarity with the oppressed people in the world . . . 

9.   I have lived a simple life . . . 

10. I have meditated on the word of God . . . 

11. I have spoken the truth in love, lived a righteous life, walked humbly before God, and

      have been just and merciful in dealing with my fellowman.

12. I have worked at healing the hurt and brokenness in my family . . . 

13. I have given and received forgiveness in the process of dealing with conflict and anger.

14. I have treated all people with dignity honor and respect . . . 

15. I have preached the gospel to all men . . . 

16. I have been an example of the believer . . . 

17. I have lived conscious of Christ's presence in me.

—  E.D. Charles, Pastor

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