We are committed to:
To loving God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind... to loving our neighbor as ourselves...
To submitting to the lordship of Jesus... obeying the word of God… depending upon the Holy Spirit to give us the power to do the will of God...
To serving and supporting our fellowman to the best of our ability with the resources we have...
To taking responsibility for our personal growth and development…
To developing and using our gifts, talents, and skills wisely...
To keeping the kingdom of God , first… to trusting God to give us what we need to fulfill His purpose...
To changing our lives by changing our minds...
To standing in solidarity with the oppressed people in the world...
To living a simple life so that we will have more to share with those who are in need...
To meditating on the word of God in order to do all that is written in it...
To speaking the truth in love... living a righteous life... walking humbly before God.. being just and merciful in our dealing with our fellowman...
To healing the hurt and brokenness in our families...
To giving and receiving forgiveness in the process of dealing with conflict and anger...
To treating all people with dignity, honor, and respect...
To proclaiming the gospel to all men...
To helping and supporting men and women in their quest to overcome lifestyles that are preventing them from experiencing the kingdom of God...
To resisting and dismantling white supremacy and racism in the world...
To prospering and being in health as our souls prospers...
— E.D. Charles, Pastor