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Special Notice

Prayer line For T-Mobile/Metro/Sprint Users

This Notice is primarily for those with cell phone service through T-Mobile/Sprint - which now includes Metro(PCS).


Since the merger between T-Mobile, Metro PCS & sprint, some customers of these carriers now may receive a message about "Out-of-plan numbers" or incurring additional charges, when dialing certain numbers.  Consequently, customers may no longer be able to directly connect to these numbers.  Even if they'd been able to dial and connect numbers like these previously, and without incurring additional charges...  These "Out-of-plan numbers" numbers targeted by Metro & T-Mobile are conference lineschat lines, radio broadcast lines and similar.  

So some of you may now experience issues connecting to our prayer conference call line.

If you have not experienced any issues with your cell service dialing in to our prayer line, disregard this notice.  If you have experienced issues with your cell service connecting to the prayer line, our prayer line service provider has provide their solution.  See below... 

Follow these 3 steps from our Prayer Line Service Provider:

  1. First dial (720)844-1236

  2. Then when prompted, enter our regular number (978-990-5173).

  3. Then when prompted, enter our regular access code (4750274#).

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